B+W 39mm F-Pro 102M 0.6 ND Filter MRC (2-Stop) - Leica Store Miami

B+W 39mm F-Pro 102M 0.6 ND Filter MRC (2-Stop)

SKU: 66029981   


No Longer Available

Discontinued - Available while supplies last

This B+W Neutral Density Filter reduces the light by two f-stops (log density 0.6), and it is the most popular ND filter in photographic work. It offers many benefits, for instance f/4 instead of f/8 for selective sharpness instead of a great depth of field, or 1/15 s instead of 1/60 s for a flowing instead of a “frozen” waterfall. It has excellent color neutrality, costs less than the denser filters, and is recommended as part of a basic outfit. The filter factor is 4x.

MRC by B+W is not only an extraordinarily effective multiple layer coating, it is also harder than glass, so that it protects filters from scratches (for instance when cleaning the filters), and it is also water and dirt repellent, thus facilitating filter maintenance.

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